Fantastic European opportunity

Interested in joining the SUP11 City Tour 2019 with a special group for free? Read this!
The foundation (Stichting Stand Up Paddle) that organizes the SUP11 City Tour in 2019 for the 11th time is writing a proposal for Erasmus+ Not for Profit EU sports event. The main goal is to get more people on the board to become healthier and fitter. 
The question you should answer is there a group you can describe that:
– could benefit from a 3 month training program
– a trip to the SUP11 City Tour 2019
– participating the tour as a team so each member will paddle one day
– share their experience on social media and local media
– has a direct benefit in social, mental or physical way by participating
Than sent us a mail with your idea and we will use this to get funding for all of the above!
If approved we will get funding for 12 participating EU countries, so don’t hold back!
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